Parks in Baguio
Burnham Park
Mines View Park
Lion's Head Park
Rizal Park
Baguio Botanical Garden
Hotels in Baguio
Baguio Country Club
Concorde Hotel
Manor Hotel
Microtel Inns and Suites
Prince Plaza


Microtel Inn & Suites Hotel Baguio

Location: Upper Session Road, Baguio, Philippines
Number of rooms: 60 Rooms

Affordability is not a problem at the Microtel Inns and Suites in Baguio City as the room rates are set very reasonably. This hotel offers clean and comfortable rooms at very low prices Each Microtel Inn worldwide adheres to a standard of quality while ensuring comfort for all guests. You can expect the Microtel Inn in Baguio to share the same quality as the Microtel in New York. The Baguio City Microtel is a leader in cost-efficiency. Whether you're a global or local traveler, Microtel gives its guests exactly what they are after – and more. Baguio accommodations offer function, comfort, convenience, and quality, from its furnishings to the in-house cuisine.. Simply enter your dates of stay and submit our secure online booking form to proceed with our reservation at Microtel Inn & Suites Hotel.

Room Amenities

  • air conditioning
  • non-smoking rooms
  • tea/coffeemaker
  • telephone
  • television


  • 24-hour room service
  • conference rooms
  • currency exchange
  • dry cleaning and laundry
  • restaurants

Sports and Recreation

  • massage

Sports and Recreation

The recreational activities listed below are available at or near the resort; fees may apply.

Hotels nearby :

  • Camp John Hay Manor Hotel
  • Baguio Country Club Hotel
  • Golden Pine Hotel
  • Concorde Hotel
  • Supreme Convention Plaza Hotel
  • Prince Plaza Hotel
  • El Cielito Inn Hotel
  • Supreme Hotel

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